Last updated 12/11/2019.
What are regions?
Regions is a feature intended to be used by larger grounds maintenance companies operating from more than one location. An example could be a company that has a base in the Edinburgh and another in Dundee with separate staff working from each location.
Regions allows you to have users from different locations accessing the same Groundleader account but only having to work with tasks relevant to their own area.
Setting up regions
If you want to make use of regions select the ‘Other settings’ option from the ‘Global settings’ section of the main menu then select the ‘Regions’ option. Here the regions are stored just by their name. A ‘default region’ will already have been created for you.
To edit an existing region select it from the list, to add a new one click the ‘Add new region’ button. If you are using more than one region you should rename the default region to something more appropriate. For our current example we would rename the default region to ‘Dundee’ and add a new one called ‘Edinburgh’.
What changes when using more than one region
The following items within Groundleader are each allocated to a single region, follow the link for each one for more information on how to set its region.
Each staff member is allocated to a single region when they are added to Groundleader. On the various pages and forms within Groundleader each user will only be able to select from tasks, teams and subcontractors assigned to the same region as they are.
Using the job assigner
Each region gets to use its own job assigner. For example, tasks assigned in the Dundee region will be kept separate from those assigned in the Edinburgh region.
Staff using the job assigner can only assign tasks to teams in their own region. Users in an administrator role can assign tasks to different regions by clicking the ‘change’ link under the selected region and choosing the desired region. Doing this will reload the job assigner with assigned tasks for the selected region.
The task filters used on the job assigner will only return tasks assigned to the same region as the current user. If the user wishes to include tasks from all regions the ‘Include tasks from all regions’ option should be checked. Using this method it is possible to assign tasks from a different region to teams from your region.
Logging visits
When logging a visit the staff present at the visit as well as the team that carried out the visit need to be selected. A user logging a visit will only be able to select a team and visit staff allocated to the same region as the user. For example a user assigned to the Edinburgh region will only be able to select from teams and visit staff also allocated to the Edinburgh region.
A user can log a visit for any task regardless of its region by selecting ‘Log single visit’ from the ‘Visits & stock’ section of the main menu and entering the desired task ID. As with logging a visit for a task from their own region they will only be able select from staff and teams from their own region.
Customers are not linked to a single region, the customers page will list all customers regardless of what region the current user is assigned to. This allows customers to have tasks in more than one region.
Quotes and invoices can be created for any customer by any user in an administrator role. The same is true for logging payments and any other customer related action. Regions place no restrictions on any customer actions.